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GoodWe MT 인버터에는 CSA Group의 입증 서한에 따라 UL1699B를 준수하는 DC 아크 기본 회로 보호 기능이 내장되어 있습니다.

GoodWe is pleased to share to its partners and friends a Letter of Attestation it has obtained from the Canadian Standards Association Group (CSA Group) stating that the GoodWe inverters of the models GW50K-MT, GW60K-MT , GW50KN-MT , GW60KN-MT, GW70KHV-MT, GW80KHV-MT, GW50KBF-MT, GW60KBF-MT, GW80KBF-MT, GW80K-MT and GW80KB-MT, after testing, comply with the UL1699B standard (Issue Number 2, January 14, 2013) - Outline of Investigation for Photovoltaic (PV) DC Arc-Fault Circuit Protection. This standard comprises the following tests:  Humidity Test, Voltage Surge Test, Environmental Test Sequence, Unwanted Tripping Test, Operation  Inhibition Tests, the Masking the Signal to Operate Test as well as the Line Impedance Test.


Meeting the regulations in place in North American markets and particularly those related to DC Arc-Fault Circuit Protection is one of the highest priorities of GoodWe. This Letter of Attestation constitutes one step forward in the direction of providing all the necessary comfort and peace of mind to users as well as authorities regulating the PV market across the Commercial & Industrial Photovoltaic sectors of that region.


2018 was a year of commercial success and expansion across the world for the GoodWe C & I inverters, particularly those of the MT family. Over the past months, different versions and qualities of the GoodWe MT inverters have been selected for industrial projects in India and Brazil, in many cases involving  Western EPCs that have opted for GoodWe for their great value. 


The inverters of the MT family, tested by the CSA Group, are a ready and safe supply option for the booming C & I North American PV Markets and GoodWe trusts that this Letter of Attestation will contribute to raise their commercial profile and highlight their viability, and allow for their participation in regional C & I projects.


GoodWe continues to work hard in order to reassure its North American partners of the great quality and safety of all of its products.


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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