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2018 년 10 월 23 일, 이즈미르 터키의 GoodWe 대규모 워크숍 이벤트


GoodWe redoubles its deep commitment to the Turkish solar market

The recent years have been of enormous success for GoodWe in Turkey, achieving sales in 2018 that surpass the 150 MW mark & consolidating its position as the leading supplier of residential inverters & energy storage solutions in the Turkish market. Following the commercial success achieved last year after the hosting of a very well attended workshop, GoodWe is back again this year in Turkey, where the company will host another massive PV inverter dedicated workshop, joining forces with influential partners & showcasing more products as well as presenting the company latest technological developments.


More than 200 local installers & the largest Turkey EPC representatives have already signed up for the event in what it promises to be a very busy and productive day. For this occasion, the company will be providing training on the utilization, design and maintenance of a vast array of inverters, corresponding to the series DNS, SDT, SMT, MT, SBP, BP, EM, ET, ES, suitable for utilization on large-scale commercial applications, that have kept thriving in Turkey and an assortment of energy storage solutions and hybrid inverters. The fact that for this workshop GoodWe will be presenting a more comprehensive selection of inverters, clearly evidences the intention of the company to reach out to a wider spectrum of customers and end-users in the market.


GoodWe will be introducing its smart solutions for module-level monitoring, rapid shutdown & Optimization based on the application of the Tigo technology to the GoodWe inverters. A full presentation of the MT-series inverter will also be delivered, discussing the strengths of these inverters designed for application on large commercial rooftops and ground-mounted solar systems. GoodWe will take this opportunity as well to introduce to the local market its brand new monitoring system SEMS, designed precisely to make the life of its customers easier and contribute to a smarter management of their energy needs.


The event will be enriched with the participation of GoodWe long term partners, including HT-SAAE, a large PV panel manufacturer as well as ISOTEC, a mounting structures builder, offering the participants the opportunity to get a very comprehensive picture of what constitutes a solar system.The workshop will take place in the historical city of Izmir on the 23th of October between 8:30 to 18:30 and the venue will be the Izmir Swiss Hotel.This will be a very rich and big event and GoodWe is looking forward to see you there. Don’t miss out!


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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