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열악한 환경 조건에서 GoodWe 인버터의 완벽한 작동


In this case, the plant owner took advantage of suitable roofs, along with the surface of the water, to construct the photovoltaic power station. GoodWe Smart Energy Management System (SEMS) has been used for visualizing and monitoring the operation of this power plant. Three years on and this solar platform is still operating on a perfect condition with stable high energy yields every day.


As for the reason why, the plant owner explained "Due to concerns related to the corrosion of the electronic equipment placed near humid and salty environments, we had much consideration and very rigorous products selection since the very beginning, especially for solar inverters – and only tier one products were considered for selection. We executed the 800kW project on two stages: on the first stage of the selection, only GoodWe and Huawei inverters met all the requirements; however, considering that GoodWe provided equal excellent performance in power generation as Huawei and unparalleled service in the following six months, we finally chose GoodWe as the winner of the project in the second stage.”



"We are proud that our products have beaten Huawei’s inverters in this very demanding project.” stated Mr. Huang Min, CEO of GoodWe. "GoodWe will always ensure the quality of its products before they enter the market, and among many other quality enhancement methods, we always conduct strict environmental adaptability tests for outdoor implementation through third-party authoritative institutions, in order to ensure the long-term reliability of our inverters.”


With an in-house R&D team of 200 employees and two global research centers, GoodWe offers a comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions for residential, commercial and utility-scale PV systems, ensuring that performance and quality go hand-in-hand across the entire range. On the one hand, the inverter comes on a die-casting case made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, which has a strong anti-corrosiveness and good air tightness preventing moisture and wet dust into the fuselage inside. On the other hand, only the most reliable and prominent components are selected for the inverters after rigorous testing. For example, GoodWe inverter uses a dual 85-film capacitor, which withstand up to 85 ℃ high temperatures and 85% humidity. In addition, all GoodWe inverters pass an aging test at 50 ℃ in a high humidity, sealed room for 6 hours to simulate extreme temperature conditions and ensure their maximum performance without degradation. All GoodWe inverter series are IP65 waterproof and dustproof for indoor or outdoor mounting.


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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