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GoodWe, 세계 미래 에너지 서밋에서 모든 범위의 인버터 솔루션 전시


The World Future Energy Summit 2018 (WFES) is the world’s foremost global annual event dedicated to advancing renewable energy and clean technologies. More than 30,000 solar energy industry professionals from 175 countries attended the exhibition, with over639 leading manufacturers, technology providersandsuppliers' participation.


During the show, GoodWe has brought its full range of string inverters, providing comprehensive solutions for all kinds of residential, commercial, ground-mounted and utility scale projects, including energy storage. GoodWe’s unique energy-storage products and new four-MPPT grid-tied inverter GW60K-MT with outstanding power boost function attracted a large number of visitors who expressed their strong willingness to cooperate.


"Many oil-rich countries, including Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait, are also turning to new energy, and photovoltaic is their first choice,” said Ron Shen, Director of GoodWe International Sales Department. "GoodWe will focus on contributing to the energy development in the Middle East, while achieving stronger reputation and brand influence in global markets.”


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


구드웨이 통신 구독

아래에 정보를 받기 위해 상세한 정보를 삽입하십시오

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