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GoodWe, UPS 기능을 갖춘 세계 최초 AC 커플 링 개조 인버터 출시



Due to grid instability and the reduction of solar feed-in tariffs by many governments and electricity network operators, grid-feed solar systems have become less economical and an increasing number of users are turning to energy storage and self-consumption as an alternative. However, for those consumers with a conventional grid-connected solar system, replacing their existing grid-tied string inverter with a new hybrid inverter involves an additional costly investment which not everyone is willing to do. While there are AC-coupled inverter-charger hybrid systems in the market, none of them are able to offer uninterruptible power supply to prevent the connected loads from experiencing power interruptions.



GoodWe SPB Series is a cost-efficient, battery backup solution which can work alongside any grid-tied string inverters. Even though GoodWe SBP Series is a single phase AC retrofit device, it can also work with a three phase meter to become a three phase energy storage system. EzMeter can be used for detection of single-phase or three-phase inverter. By adding batteries, users can store the energy that the solar array is producing in the daytime and use it at night or even during a power outage. When the grid is down, GoodWe SBP seamlessly begins to invert power from the battery bank to power the critical loads. With its UPS function with an automatic switchover time of less than 10 miliseconds, GoodWe SBP is the world’s first AC-coupled inverter which ensures uninterruptible power supply to inductive loads such as air conditioners or refrigerators.






GoodWe SBP Series works with any grid-tied string inverter and is compatible with BYD, LG, Pylon and GCL lithium-ion batteries.



Currently available


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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