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GoodWe listed on 2022 FTSE Global Equity Index Series

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd, a leading-edge PV inverter and energy storage systems manufacturer, officially announced its inclusion in the FTSE Global Equity Index Series. GoodWe was listed and the results have come into effect after stock market closure on March 18.

The FTSE Russell ranks second in international indexes and provides innovative benchmarking, analytics and data solutions for investors worldwide. The FTSE GEIS provides a robust global equity index framework and includes over 16,000 securities across 48 countries, covering 99% of the investable market globally.

FTSE GEIS delivers an unbiased representation of global equity markets and a reliable way when selecting stocks into GEIS based on its market share, profitability, growth, stability and liquidity. These newly-added China A-share are mostly leading companies in growth industries or growth stocks in mature industries with outstanding financial results in 2021. China A-shares listed in GEIS will increase their visibility and exposure as an international investment base across the global investment community.

GoodWe's listing on the FTSE GEIS as a growth company validates the company as a relevant player in the global photovoltaic market and capital market, also indicating its ability to satisfy and maintain demanding criteria with respect to liquidity and investable market capitalization. Meanwhile, it also reveals that Chinese photovoltaic industries are gaining incredible momentum and global presence in the age of carbon neutrality.


The FTSE Global Equity Index listing will help GoodWe pursue its vision and mission, be the main driving force in the global energy transition while broadening its shareholder base and continue to focus on strategic businesses and partnerships across all sectors to drive future growth.

About GoodWe:

GoodWe is a world-leading PV inverter and energy storage systems manufacturer listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 688390). The company has more than 3,000 employees located in 20 different countries and a team of over 600 engineers working at its R&D centers to continuously optimize and advance energy storage technology. GoodWe storage inverters were ranked No. 1 globally by Wood Mackenzie in 2020, with over 15% market share, and the company was ranked one of the world’s Top 10 inverter suppliers by IHS Markit. Having achieved over six consecutive TÜV Rheinland "All Quality Matters'' awards and consistently being ranked at the top in terms of overall product quality, GoodWe’s comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions for residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV systems is guaranteed to deliver high performance and reliable quality across the board. For more information, please visit goodwe.com. 



통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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