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GoodWe-최고의 태양 광 솔루션, 브라질 Intersolar South America에서 귀하를 위해 행진하고 있습니다.



Many questions were also asked by our Brazilian partners about the DNS product in display, which is a single-phase on grid inverter that comes with a compact size and features a total harmony between its hardware and its well-designed software.

To this exhibition GoodWe presented also something of the many new products that it has recently launched, which include some for large-scale commercial rooftops. As such the company presented one red model of the SMT series & the brand new GW70KHV-MT of the MT series, which is part of GoodWe second generation of inverters, that also attracted a very positive feedback from our visitors. This inverter can reach an efficiency as high as 98.8% and features up to four MPPT.



At the first day of the exhibition, under the topic of Quality in Procurement, Manufacturing, Installation & O.M, the Quality Round Table was hosted by the PV Magazine and GoodWe is the Gold Sponsor of it. The company’s presentation was delivered by Mr. Lucas Lu, Head of the Overseas Solar Academy of the company, which is the branch specialized in providing technical training for the company’s customers & partners. In its presentation, Mr. Lu referred to many measures by which GoodWe’s inverters enhance the quality of the system. It was a great dialogue & a very good opportunity to get closer to the South American market.


With more than 1GW of installed PV energy capacity Brazil is not only one of the fastest growing markets in the PV energy industry but the scale of its ambitions, make this beautiful nation one of the most exciting places to be in the global solar industry. By setting up our local office with professional service team in Brazil, Goodwe will keep exploring and expanding our overseas market in Brazil and South Africa actively!


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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