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GoodWe Experts, EES 및 Power2Drive 포럼에서 에너지의 미래에 대한 의견 공유


This year GoodWe presented many innovative products for residential, commercial rooftops, industrial and utility scale systems, and the smart energy management system. The new exclusive single-phase inverter and three-phase hybrid product series attracted many visitors, the mass media and the photovoltaic industry. Also, GoodWe has spent a lot of time designing its stand with a focused theme on future innovation and technologies. With nearly 300 square meters of display space, GoodWe's booth was one of the stars at the show.


As the most influential solar exhibition in the world, GoodWe attaches much importance to it and the senior managers from GoodWe's overseas branches gathered there to develop their global strategies. They also had the opportunity to share GoodWe's smart PV solutions for generation, storage and management, as well as its objective of transforming the future of energy at the ees & Power2Drive Forum. On Thursday, June 21, Raj Sidhu, CEO of GoodWe UK, introduced the latest storage solutions to maximize solar self-consumption. On June 20 and 22, Mr Engel Tastan, CEO of GoodWe Turkey, presented GoodWe series of energy storage inverters which allow users to take control of their power offering a great choice and flexibility over the use of the electricity grid and explained how GoodWe Smart Energy Management System pave the road to the future. GoodWe dazzled the audience with comprehensive and intelligent solar solutions.


GoodWe also hosted a cocktail party at Brainlab Tower, Messe München 10th Floor, to celebrate its latest achievements. More than 100 people joined the party and enjoyed a wonderful time during the glittering event. It is appreciated that GoodWe solar inverters are chosen by thousands of clients in the world. GoodWe was delighted to be able to share these achievements with all its customers.


Intersolar 2018 proves to be a successful event towards GoodWe global expansion with its comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions for residential, commercial and utility scale applications.


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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