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GoodWe SMT 인버터 시리즈 : 효율성 향상을위한 작고 강력한 성능


With its weight of just 40 kg and a compact size of 480mm*590mm*200mm, the inverters of the series SMT are now easier to handle and install than similar inverters in the market, saving you time and costs.

GoodWe SMT series allows 30% DC oversizing to fully maximize yield during extreme hot and cold weather and provides a continuous maximum AC output power overload of 10%, system efficiency is enormously enhanced.

Featuring a maximum DC input voltage of 1100 V, a wider MPPT range from 200 V to 950 V and a start-up voltage of 180 V, the SMT series guarantees an earlier generation of power and a longer working time in order to maximize the long-term returns and profitability of the end-users.

With its high power density, maximum efficiency, compact size and light weight, the GoodWe inverter of the SMT series is truly the dark horse in the market and your best choice as well. Choose GoodWe, we won’t let you down!


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


구드웨이 통신 구독

아래에 정보를 받기 위해 상세한 정보를 삽입하십시오

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