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GoodWe, 2017 세계 PV 인버터 시장에서 8 위

GoodWe ranked 8thin the 2017 World PV inverter market


In 2017, the global PV installation market reached 105 GW, and GoodWe supplied 3.2% which is about 3.4 GW. GoodWe has made a great improvement climbing positions to rank 8th.

Why GoodWe was able to enter top 8?

1、Good quality

GoodWe inverters are manufactured for durability and longevity making them suitable for indoors and outdoors installation, and also offer high efficiency and class leading functionality. GoodWe inverters are reliable as each component is thoroughly inspected to ensure no issues would occur. In short, GoodWe inverters have proven to be reliable during the past 8 years.


2、Good service

Where there is problem, there is GoodWe service. We offer 24/7 after-sale service, serving the customer wholeheartedly. Other than having good after-sale service, GoodWe Solar Academy (GSA) also provides expertise and professional custom training sessions on inverter product and PV solution. We can address these issues through our hotline, email and online chat. We always give our finest ability to provide the best service.

3、R&D strength

From a company with 500 employees in 2016, GoodWe has rapidly expanded to more than 1000 with 200 R&D staffs. With about 20% of the employees doing product research and development, we are able to improve the existing products and develop new innovative products.

4、Export capability


GoodWe inverters have been exported to more than 100 countries, such as UK, the Netherlands, Turkey, Australia, India, Mexico, etc. Recently, GoodWe has been awarded the 2018 Top Brand PV seal in the Netherlands for the second consecutive year, which is offered by German independent market research specialist EuPD Research.


GoodWe ranked 4thin 2017 World single-phase low power PV inverter market


Based on the single-phase low power PV inverter, GoodWe has improved his rank from 11thto 4thin 2017, largely due to NS and DNS string inverter series supplied to both China and international markets.


GoodWe ranked 5thin 2017 World three-phase low power PV inverter market


The three-phase low power PV inverter is needed for residential and commercial use. GoodWe has managed to reach top 5 in the rankings and has almost quadrupled its sales in 2017 compared to 2016.


GoodWe has built up a solid reputation in the industry with a great potential for expansion. From a small company started in 2010, GoodWe has been able to successfully reach top 10 in 2017. However, GoodWe will continue to work hard to pursuit the first place in the global world rankings.


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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