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GoodWe, 모듈 수준 모니터링, 빠른 종료 및 최적화를위한 스마트 솔루션 출시

Offering from shutdown code compliance to module-level diagnostics and maximized energy harvest, the Tigo TS4 platformworks seamlessly with both GoodWe DNS and SDT inverters. Compared to other traditional optimization systems in the market which require MLPEs on every module even when it is not necessary, GoodWe offers a highly efficient solution with fewer BOS components which lowers the overall cost of the system and is easier to install.


The TS4 platform utilizes two key components that are compatible with any PV module: a base that is integrated into the module, and five separate detachable covers housing varied levels of MLPE functionalities. Customers can mix and match TS4 covers according to their ideal budget and system requirements. The TS4 platform offers the option to selectively deploy the exact functionality needed to maximize system performance, all while guaranteeing the lowest cost with the greatest ROI. The retrofitting process can be completed quickly just with changeable solar junction box covers which do not require any screws, allowing easy upgrading or fast replacement in case of damage. Furthermore, thanks to the integration of Tigo's Cloud Connect Advanced (CCA) datalogger, users can reduce hardware costs avoiding the need to purchase an additional datalogger. Fewer components reduce potential points of failure and risk, and simplifies service when it is required.


GoodWe DNS and SDT series smart inverters can offer a cost effective and reliable solution that matches perfectly with smart modules. This enables end users to harness more system data for valuable insights about real-time analysis in both Tigo and GoodWe’s monitoring platforms and also enables cost-effective datalogging to collect operating information from the inverters as well as each smart module.

"With the launch of GoodWe Tigo CCA-embedded smart inverters, integrators can benefit from reduced installation time, service risk, and ultimately cost," said Huang Min, CEO of GoodWe. "GoodWe DNS and SDT series with MLPE functionalities offer customers a flexible solution which realizes greater energy production and roof usage, while providing a higher ROI."


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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