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베트남 솔라 쇼에서 GoodWe의 밝은 참여

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It is against this backdrop that GoodWe participated as an exhibitor  at the Vietnam Solar Show that took place at the GEM Center in Ho Chi Minh City on the 3rd and 4th of April. For this Exhibition GoodWe presented its XS, SDT, MT and ET products, which are some of the most representative models of the expanding portfolio of high-quality GoodWe products that perfectly cater to the increasingly diversified Vietnamese market. The GoodWe booth at this exhibition was in a very prominent location, allowing the company to attract a number of visitors that far exceeded expectations.

The XS is a small residential solar inverter the size of an A4 piece of paper weighing only 5.2kgs that offers installers superior levels of efficiency and profitability, allowing end-users the possibility to enjoy 30% of DC input oversizing, among many other technical advantages.


The SDT series is a three-phase inverter operating up to 20kWr for both residential and commercial applications; this inverter features high power density, two MPP trackers and offers a wide input voltage range in order to ensure design flexibility and compatibility with high-output PV panels.


The MT series is GoodWe's best specimen in the C & I sector and it has achieved significant success in the international market. The latest version of this inverter achieves a capacity of 80kW and it is compatible with bi-facial modules, all that could be desired on ground-mounted PV plants.  


The ET Series is an energy storage/hybrid inverter that has become one of GoodWe's star products; this inverter has attracted a good deal of attention in the European market thanks to its outstanding UPS function, its compatibility with several types of HV batteries and ultimately due to the enhanced level of independence from the grid that it offers.


GoodWe has been present in the Vietnamese market for more than two years and over this time the company has nurtured strategic relationships with valuable local partners who have been able to confirm first-hand the emphasis that GoodWe puts on high value, quality reliability and affordable technological development. GoodWe's sales expectations in Vietnam for 2019 are very promising.

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Given the characteristics of the local market, the demand has tended to be stronger in Vietnam for C & I inverters and as such, GoodWe's MT model attracted many inquiries from developers and EPCs that have seen it as a perfect fit for the solar farms that have been mushrooming in the country. However it is expected that the new policies will provide the basis for some  developments in the near future in both the residential rooftop and energy storage markets that also have very strong potential in this dynamic country.


The years ahead look bright for the development of the PV industry in Vietnam and this successful participation in the Solar Show constitutes an important step in GoodWe's expansion in this market.


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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