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GoodWe 유럽 폴란드 태양 전시회 GreenPower에 밝은 참여

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GoodWe has been active in this emerging market for many years now and our on-grid inverter series are well recognized. We can say with confidence that our residential products are recognised as having top-tier quality in the small-scale PV industry in Europe,l whilst also making a breakthrough in medium and large-scale commercial and industrial sectors in the recent years.


After successful and productive participation in the GreenPower Exhibition this week, GoodWe has moved one step further into the Polish market. We brought a selection of products representative of the expanding GoodWe portfolio, which were deemed very suitable for meeting the expectations of the Polish market. We presented our most popular products in Poland, such the smart DT series, which is specially designed for three-phase solar systems. Our team also introduced the SMT series, which is ideal for medium and large-scale commercial rooftops, and the second generation of MT series featuring huge power capabilities.

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Alongside all that, we also brought the ET, our brand-new energy storage inverter, as part of our exhibition showcase. Covering a power range of 5kW, 8kW and 10kW, this three-phase high voltage hybrid inverter allows up to 100% overloading and features our UPS function to inductive loads with an automatic switchover time of less than 10 milliseconds. We are convinced that the future of the energy storage sector in Poland is very promising and we are confident that our brand will keep growing in this market. 

As of December 2018, according to IRENA, Poland was home to 487MW of grid-connected PV across all classifications of inverters. This year, the country is set to tender a further 750MW of PV as part of plans to boost installed capacity between 2020 (900MW), 2030 (10.2GW) and 2040 (20.2GW). Poland is a country full of potential and we are ready for the challenge.


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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