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높은 수준의 가정 안전을 위해 인체 공학적으로 설계된 새로운 GoodWe DNS 인버터


GoodWe is rolling out the new DNS series inverters which are ideal for solar power generation in private homes. With alow start-up voltage of only 120V and the widest voltage range of 80-550V, these inverters can provide high performance and greater options for any household system, while maintaining a sleek, child-friendly design without sharp edges and safer to manipulate.



Sharp corners and edges are common household hazards that must be taken into consideration, especially when children are around. Conventional sharp-edged inverters also represent a further risk during installation and maintenance, significantly increasing the likelihood of sustaining an injury. Furthermore, some designs are often seen as unattractive or too industrial because aesthetics is not always taken into account when developing a solution for household power generation. Apart from considering the ease of installation and performance, homeowners also demand a residential friendly design that will not affect their home’s safety.



GoodWe DNS series inverters feature an optimized, ergonomic design which is not only convenient for installation and service, but also provides a beautiful, low-profile electrical system that is safer to manipulate and friendlier for kids and pets in the house.


With power categories ranging from 3 kW to 6 kW, GoodWe DNS series inverters are a perfect match for eco-friendly residential installations thanks to their die-casting aluminum casing, compact size and light weight. They areIP65 ratedand can be mounted either indoors or outdoors. GoodWe DNS series inverters also feature a secure plug-and-play installation without opening the inverter and an integrated DC disconnect switch.


Low start-up voltage of only 120V and the widest MPPT voltage range of 80-550V provides high flexibility for system configuration, allowsmore flexible module selections and energy harvesting. GoodWe DNS series inverters allow 130% oversizing and are perfect for bifacial panel applications which can offer 20% more power output.






GoodWe DNS series are designed for today's high-output PV panels, enhanced to meet the latest grid compliance standards while providing unprecedented power and dual, independent MPPT.



Currently available


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GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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