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GoodWe, Renewable Energy India 2019에서 빛을 발하다



The XS and SDT G2 series is the most reputable products capable of expanding the portfolio for residential applications of GoodWe. Rated with IP65 allowing it to be mounted inside and outside of your home, additionally, it features a wide range operating temperature range allowing it to withstand even the most brutal temperatures and weather.


The SMT and MT series is built for C&I projects, with technical characteristics that make them an excellent fit for the rising potential capabilities in the Indian market. The MT Series covering a range of (50-80kW) and the SMT covering a range of ( 25 ~ 36KW) are the most suitable for C&I solar market projects, especially MT series having been installed successfully on many large scale commercial rooftops PV systems across many regions, It has helped to greatly simplify transport, installation, and commission while providing a higher yield. Thanks to the compact design and built-in power-boosting feature, it allows quicker and greater profitability of investment returns.


Moreover, GoodWe ET is the world’s most compact and lightweight three-phase hybrid inverter in the market with maximum efficiency of 98.3%, equipped with unique Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Function, backup overloading up to 100%, AC charging functions and open-protocol EMS communication system. The product secured GoodWe as the winner of the TÜV Rheinland’s 2019 "All Quality Matters” Award in recognition for the outstanding quality. This is the fourth consecutive year that GoodWe is recognized with this prestigious award, providing solid evidence that quality has consistently been over the years a key element in the mission that inspires it.


A festive element could not be absent from the company’s participation at this edition of Renewable Energy. GoodWe, partnered with LONGi and Dupont, invited our VIP partners to a Gala Dinner aimed at celebrating the achievements of the past years and providing the opportunity for discussing the challenges of the year ahead.


Renewable Energy India has proven to be a very successful event. Together with our partners and customers, we discussed the innovative solution to achieve an increase in power generation and the yield of solar plants. GoodWe is committed to providing high quality and efficient solar solutions and makes its own contribution to a renewable and sustainable future in India and as well as all around the world.


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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