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GoodWe debuts at 2020 PV EXPO: A great start in the Japanese market


Photovoltaic power generation has become the top priority in Japan since the country's shift in policies toward renewable energy after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011. Since then, the Japanese government has provided high subsidies for electricity prices, which has led to the rapid development of the Japanese photovoltaic market. According to the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Japan’s PV power generation capacity was calculated to be 56GW by 2018.



As the world's top three photovoltaic markets, Japan has matured photovoltaic industry and has extremely high requirements for product quality and brand. It is not easy for Chinese brands to enter the Japanese market, and GoodWe has been working hard all the time. After years of dedicated research, GoodWe presents the latest outstanding C & I solar solution and energy storage solution specially designed to meet the expectations of the Japanese market.

Showcased Products Introduction:

SMT Series (33-40kW, Four-MPPT, Three-Phase)

The SMT is ideal for medium and large-scale commercial rooftop installations, providing a maximum efficiency of 98.8% and up to Four MPPT routes for a particular environment. With its weight of just 42kg and compact design, the SMT series is easier to handle and install in comparison to similar inverters in the market.

EMJP Series (5kW, Three-MPPT, Single Phase Hybrid Inverter, Low Voltage Battery)

The EMJP is a bi-directional energy storage inverter with three MPP trackers. During the day, the PV array generates electricity which can be provided either to the loads, fed into the grid or charge the battery, depending on the economical efficiency and your set-up. The EMJP series features Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to inductive loads with an automatic switchover time of fewer than 10 milliseconds.


BP Series (2.5kW, Single Phase DC Retrofit Inverter, Low Voltage Battery)

The BP is a DC-coupled retrofit battery management system. Compatible with most brands of single phase on-grid inverters, the BP Series intelligently manages the PV yield of a system allowing generated electricity to be directed within the home, fed to the grid or used to charge battery storage devices.



GoodWe is committed to providing differentiated solutions for customers, at the same time looking for the distribution and development of high-quality partners active in Japan, hope to provide users with more perfect energy solutions, to create and meet the broader energy demand, make contributions to promoting the sustainable development of global new energy.


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GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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