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2020 first stop: Belgium. GoodWe at the Inter Solution Exhibition.


Among the many European solar giants, Belgium has a relatively discreet profile. It is interesting to note though that this country is one of the earlier adopters of solar energy in the world and one of the countries with the most extended solar penetration. Over the years Belgium has also been a country where many interesting discussions related to subsidies have also taken place as well a holder of many solar records: some few months ago, Belgium saw the construction of the largest solar carport in Europe.



The solar market of Belgium is dominated by rooftop installations but the diversity of the market is truly significant. Our team came to the Inter Solutions Exhibitions well prepared and we wanted to give Belgium a good taste of the best we have.


Belgium’s residential sector is one of the oldest of Europe and specifically in the region of Flanders, the contribution of the solar generation to the energy mix is outstanding. Aware of the fact that the bulk of the residential installations of the region are on grid and wishing to introduce an inverter that offers the possibility for solar users to upgrade their systems to energy storage, we brought to the Inter Solution Exhibition our new EHR-Series inverter. The EHR is a battery ready on-grid inverter able to provide backup power supply thanks to its UPS function. This inverter also features a powerful monitoring capability and a Zero Export function.



On the back of the great success achieved in the neighboring Netherlands, GoodWe also introduced to Belgium our smallest residential inverter XS (0.7-3kW), whose size is as tiny as an A4 size paper and as light as 5.8kgs. For users looking for suitable inverters for larger residential properties, we presented the SDT G2 (4kW, 5kW, 6kW, 8kW and 10kW) whose low start up voltage of 160V, max input current per MPPT of 12.5A and high efficiency of 98.3% make it one of the most powerful inverters available on this segment.


The solar market of Belgium closed last year at full steam and part of this boom is due to the fact that this country is aiming, as the rest of Western Europe, to achieve carbon neutrality. Reaching this goal will involve a new wave of commercial and industrial installations and for this kind of market our team introduced the successful SMT & MT Series, whose good great reputation was already known by some of the visitors to our booth, many of whom heard about the SMT and MT deployments in eastern Europe, Turkey and India, where these inverters have reached a position of market leadership.



Our participation at the Inter Solutions Exhibitions was highly successful and we are confident that this is the beginning of a new chapter of stronger interaction with this dynamic and mature market.


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GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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