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GoodWe는 Key Energy 데뷔 후 1 년 만에 두 번째 등장



Last year, GoodWe presented highly successful inverters of the series DNS, EM and ET. For this time round, we introduced our DNS and ET series which presented last year as well as the new and outstanding series XS, EH, SMT and MT. The newly launched A4-size inverter XS is suited for household’s users. It is compact & easy for installation and features an oversizing ratio of up to 30%. EH is another new single-phase, hybrid inverter compatible with high voltage batteries from 85V to 450V. The overloading capacity can reach up to 20%. One of its most remarkable features is that even when it is on back-up mode it can still supply power to large loads such as air conditioners. The EH weighs only 15.6kg, is always easy to install, allowing a strong profitability.



We take this exhibition not only as a showcase, but also as an opportunity to share our knowledgeof cutting-edge technologies and services. Italy is a country in high demand for storage and GoodWe is one of the energy professionals in this sector. Our energy storage solution allows users to strategize, plan and arrange their power consumption and relationship with the local grid in a more sophisticated way: with GoodWe storage inverters, users are able to store in batteries the energy that their systems generate during the day and use it in the evening when the electricity is more expensive. Or in another case the batteries can store the electricity bought from the grid at off-peak price.



We are honored to have the visit of long term partners and many new friends at Key Energy. At the same time, the GoodWe Italian team is getting more comprehensive and stronger to cover both pre-sales and after-service demand in Italy and we are ready for the new challenges in the coming year. See you next year!

More details of our sales and service network in Italy:

Sales: valter.pische@goodwe.com

Service: service.it@goodwe.com

Nord: 02 3668 2358

Centro/Sud: 080 8727993


통찰력을 주는 업계 뉴스와 GoodWe 뉴스를 이곳에서 확인하세요.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd. 데이터 보호 선언

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy 데이터 보호 선언


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